The Reviews Are In...

"Blackout," her first studio album in four years, is not
only a very good album, it's her best work ever - a triumph,
with not a bad song to be found on the 12 tracks."

"...there is plenty of hot music for dancing one's troubles away
on Britney Spears's new album, Blackout, her first studio CD since
2003's In the Zone"

"Blackout — a collection of well-produced, thoroughly
enjoyable dance songs — may just put this once-celebrated
pop star back on top."

"Against all odds, Spears' album is her best. On 'Blackout,'
Britney emerges confident, sensual and in control... Listening
to “Blackout” is not only an energetic release, it’s also a relief:
No, Spears hasn’t completely lost it, and yes, her career has a
flicker of fire left --- actually much, much more."

"...the CD shows that, overall, Spears still has sparks in the recording
--US Magazine

"One element that makes this clearly a Britney Spears
album is the presence of a scattering of irresistible individual
songs that are catchy enough to stick in the head like a wad of
tasty bubblegum."

"Britney Spears, "Blackout" (Jive Records): Just when it seemed
safe to write off Britney Spears as a punch line only capable of
entertaining people through tabloid escapades, she goes and gets
all musically relevant on us."

"...the singer's first in four years, contains flashes of the zippy pop
and propulsive dance beats Brit fans treasure..."
--New York Daily News

"She is first and foremost a pop star. In a life not exactly saturated
with joy, she should take a certain amount of pleasure in the fact that
Blackout coheres far better than sprawling recent sets by her fellow
Mickey Mouse Club alumni Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera."

"Britney Spears hasn't been able to lose the paparazzi in recent months,
but she does joyously lose herself in music on her new Blackout."
--USA Today

Current 'Blackout' chart positions around the world:
Germany: #2
Ireland: #1
Australia: #5
Italy: #26
Austria: #4
USA: Soon-to-be #1

Full Credit: BreatheHeavy

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